Hair removal

Body hair is natural. And yet they are undesirable in certain places for aesthetic or hygienic reasons. Permanent hair removal with modern lasers is safe and has few complications and pain. In the Kreyden practice clinic near Basel, you will be looked after by the best trained specialists who work with IPL technology.

Epilation using IPL is monitored in the Kreyden practice clinic under medical supervision. This is to ensure correct dosing for different skin types and different epilation areas. Let yourself be epilated by a specialist.

The laser – the method of choice for hair removal

It is important to know that, as a rule, several sessions spaced four to six weeks apart are necessary for optimal results. With the IPL technology (Intensed Pulsed Light) a gentle and at the same time effective epilation can be achieved.

Treatment method for successful hair removal

Praxisklinik Kreyden